The actions you take to empower bystanders, to create safe and cohesive campuses characterized by civility and accountability have never held more influence, as these national statistics indicate:

• At least 1 in 4 college women will be the victim of a sexual assault by an acquaintance during her academic career.

• 48.8% of college women who were attacked and met the study’s definition of rape did not consider what happened to them as rape.

• On average, at least 50% of college student sexual assaults are associated with alcohol; 74% of perpetrators and 55% of rape victims had been drinking prior to the assault.

• In a survey of high school students, 56% of girls and 76% of boys [some of whom may be incoming college freshmen] believed forced sex was acceptable under some circumstances.

With the advent of Title IX mandated reporting and training and the Violence Against Women Act, it is critical to have comprehensive protocols in place for your college. Providing these necessary resources and training can be daunting, especially as the VAWA now requires that your prevention efforts be included in your 2015 Annual Security Report.
Currently, over 55 U.S. colleges have federal investigations and suits related to sexual violence. My team and I are dedicated to helping you minimize your institutional risk and best serve the needs of your campus.

Together, it is our responsibility to create safe and cohesive campuses. When we unite our efforts against the epidemic of campus sexual assaults, everyone wins. Thank you for considering the opportunity to combine our mutual interests, resources and expertise to better serve you and your campus community.

With Highest Regards,


During this interactive workshop featuring discussion, role playing and multimedia activities, faculty and staff gain a comprehensive understanding of :

• Information on the school’s reporting system and disciplinary proceedings

• The impact of sexual assault on campus, the Title IX mandate, and the implications of the Violence Against Women Act

• Training on how to respond to a student experiencing or witnessing an act of violence or assault on campus

Attendees also receive training and a Trainer’s Resource Binder that facilitates staff and student training in:

• The definitions and impact of sexual assault, rape, and relationship violence

• How to report incidents of assault on their campus

• 3 skills members of the campus community can employ to promote personal safety

• 5 strategies students and staff can leverage to become active prevention bystanders of sexual violence from occurring; to themselves, their friends, and their peers

To bring Traciana’s Sexual Assault Prevention Programs to your campus Click Here


TOGETHER WE STAND: Peer Empowerment
In this workshop, participants interact in college life scenarios in both mixed-gender and separate male and female groups and learn how to identify and prevent incidents of sexual assault. Through role playing and interactive discussion, this workshop trains student leaders to understand :

• Information on the school’s reporting system and disciplinary proceedings

• The impact of sexual assault on campus and the mandates of the Violence Against Women Act

• How to respond to a student experiencing or witnessing an act of violence or assault on campus

• How to leverage best skills and strategies to intervene with potential perpetrators of gender-based violence on campus

Participants receive training and a Trainer’s Resource Binder to facilitate a ONE, 2-hour workshop for students in understanding :

• The definitions and impact of sexual assault, rape, and relationship violence

• How to report incidents of assault on their campus

• 3 skills members of the campus community can employ to promote personal safety

• 5 strategies students and staff can leverage to become active prevention bystanders of sexual violence from occurring; to themselves, their friends, and their peers

To bring Traciana’s Sexual Assault Prevention Programs to your campus Click Here


Understanding what YES means in Sex!

This program unleashes candid, open audience dialogue. As participants talk, laugh and open up about sex through interactive activities like role playing, they gain valuable new insights into the impact of their words and actions and about :

  • What sex and consent really means to their fellow students
  • The effects of drugs and alcohol in sexual contact on sexual assault, rape, and relationship violence
  • Strategies they can employ to keep themselves and their peers safe and empowered

(60-90 minutes)

Through storytelling, multimedia presentations and role play, students emerge from this workshop with valuable new insights about :

  • Reasonable expectations of their partner
  • The fine line between loving and abusive behavior
  • The warning signs of an abusive relationship
  • Best practices for maintaining a healthy relationship
  • Key intervention strategies to prevent sexual assault incidents and relationship abuse amongst peers

(60-90 minutes)

This experiential interactive presentation helps students to explore the definitions of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. This program offers participants an in-depth understanding of :

  • Risk reduction strategies so students can recognize and avoid abusive behaviors or potential attacks
  • Information on your school’s reporting system and disciplinary proceedings
  • Campus resources for survivors and allies of survivors
  • The implications of Title IX on victims and perpetuators

(30-60 minutes or optional lobby program)

This presentation examines the importance of mutual consent when hooking up. Working in small groups, participants ‘design’ a sexual encounter that includes consent and alcohol. Students discuss how their self-designed scenario fits into campus definitions of consensual sex. Participants emerge from this workshop with an understanding of :

  • 3 skills they can use to promote personal safety
  • The warning signs of non-sexual, sexual activities
  • 5 strategies students can leverage to become active prevention bystanders of sexual violence from occurring; to themselves, their friends, and their peers


If the above programs do not quite fit your needs, we are happy to meet with you to discuss creating a program specifically designed for your institution, tailored to your needs, goals and audience. We can also provide training and debriefing sessions for your faculty and staff.

*Note: The creation of a new program may take more than two weeks to design.

To bring Traciana’s Sexual Assault Prevention Programs to your campus Click Here


(one day, one month, semester, or year-long)

These presentations feature customized interactive campaigns and initiatives. The themes can include: consent, sexual violence, stalking, and relationship violence.

How it Works:

Campus facilitators select from a menu of Traciana’s interactive educational and prevention initiatives. Initiatives can include displays and activities in the cafeteria, multimedia presentations of students’ stories, experiential educational activities, and open mic role play sessions.

Campus facilitators identify key student and faculty stakeholders as participants in hosting and promoting these initiatives, including: Greek life, student government, athletes, student leaders, and students who have been struggling to be heard.

In conjunction with Traciana and her team, facilitators and stakeholders develop high-energy initiatives and events that leverage various short, creative and engaging activities to build interest and momentum in the movement.

What Makes this Campaign so Unique and Effective?

  • Traciana’s awareness and educational initiatives bridge the gap between organizations and individuals on campus.
  • The tools and resources given to students, staff and faculty are sustainable and scalable; it’s the training that keeps on training when individuals across campus are activated.

To bring Traciana’s Sexual Assault Prevention Programs to your campus Click Here


Traciana Graves,Business Events,Keynote Speakers,corporate strategist

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